Setting a new standard for Open TaeKwon-Do Tournaments

Open TaeKwonDo Tournaments for all - Putting the U.K. groups back together and uniting as one.

Quality fighters everytime

Make new friends and unite

Amazing Multi Million Pound venue

First event hosted at Greenwood Park Leisure Centre

The seed was planted in 2004, as 93 students lined up to compete in the first ever South East Open Championships.

Bigger is better

Outgrowing the small hall, the group moved the events to the Marlbourogh School Sports Complex and invest in six 6 by 6 metre matted rings. 138 students take part.

Problems mean events move venue

After many issues from the manager at the event, the L.T.S.I. events are moved to Samuel Ryder Sports Complex. The events only stayed at this event for one year due to size. By now, the events are attracting 220 competitors.

Beginning of new era

In 2013, both the South East and English Opens are moved to the Hertfordshire Sports Village and saw an increase of new clubs and schools line up to take part in what many now say are the best open events in the U.K. Today, the events attract 400 plus competitors from all affiliations.

Events set for a revamp over next few years

January 2023 the group pledges over the next three years to totally revamp the events with new mats etc. New B Spoke awards were given at the South East Opens called the (Tenets Awards) these also cover the belt colors of the art and will be issued for the next 5 events.

2024 Marks 20 years of success

March 2024′ LTSI celebrates it’s 20th year in Operation, it’s success is due to never being money motivated and always having the saying of LTSI events are about building bridges in the taekwondo communities, while sending a message to the larger UK groups that they will never control LTSI or match it’s vision.

Event Venue:

Venue Address: Hertfordshire Sports Village, DeHavilland Campus, Mosquito Way, Hatfield, AL10 9EU




Event Showcase:

Showcase : L.T.S.I. run events on a not for profit basis with charity at heart. Independently ran events mean no politics and no ego's.


L.T.S.I. Tournaments Contact US

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  1. Only 350 allowed to enter - register NOW to guarantee entry
  2. Online Entry System NOW LIVE
  3. ​Fully matted event (6 rings, 7 by 7 metre), ensuring your safety always
  4. Best bespoke awards by far every time
  5. Fully insured events
  6. First aiders on site
  7. Public canteen on location
  8. Free meal for all officials
  9. 500 plus free spectator seats provided (bleachers).


gen choi3



General Choi Hong Hi

1918 - 2002, I.T.F. TaeKwonDo

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